
Vinyard Fruit and Vegetable Company Takes Action Against Salmonella Contamination in Cantaloupes

Vinyard Fruit and Vegetable Company Takes Action Against Salmonella Contamination in Cantaloupes

In a move prioritizing consumer safety, Vinyard Fruit and Vegetable Company, based in Oklahoma City, has proactively initiated a voluntary recall of its fresh-cut cantaloupe products. This recall is driven by the potential contamination of Salmonella, a bacterium known for causing severe and sometimes fatal infections, particularly in susceptible populations such as young children, the elderly, and individuals with weakened immune systems.

The contamination risk stems from fresh, whole cantaloupes supplied by Sophia Foods, LLC (DBA Trufresh) in Nogales, Arizona. Sophia Foods recalled these cantaloupes on November 8, following a notification from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency regarding possible Salmonella contamination.

Understanding Salmonella Health Risks

Salmonella infections can manifest as serious and potentially life-threatening illnesses. Common symptoms include fever, diarrhea (which may be bloody), nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. In rare instances, Salmonella can infiltrate the bloodstream, leading to more severe conditions such as arterial infections (infected aneurysms), endocarditis, and arthritis.

As of the recall date, there have been no reported illnesses associated with the consumption of the affected cantaloupes, underscoring the importance of swift and decisive action to prevent potential health risks.

Recalled Products and Purchase Information: The recall pertains to various fresh-cut cantaloupe products distributed by Vinyard Fruit and Vegetable Company in the state of Oklahoma from October 30, 2023, to November 10, 2023. These include Cantaloupe Chunks and Cubes, as well as Fruit Mixes and Medleys containing cantaloupe. A detailed list of affected products, along with their corresponding product codes and Best By Date(s)/VFVC Codes, is provided below:

Product CodeDescriptionBest By Date(s)/VFVC Code
2972-3Fruit Medley Cup 6 oz Cup11/14/2023, 11/19/2023
3300-3Cantaloupe Cube (2/5 lb Tray)VFVC 306, VFVC 307, VFVC 310, VFVC 311, VFVC 312, VFVC 313
3338-3Fruit Mix Kit (4/5 lb Tray)VFVC 306, VFVC 307, VFVC 312
2963-33 Melon 6 oz Cup11/14/2023, 11/18/2023, 11/19/2023
… (and so on)

Consumer Actions: To ensure consumer safety, individuals who believe they may possess any of the recalled products are advised to take the following actions:

  1. Check: Examine your inventory to determine if you have any of the recalled products.
  2. Do Not Consume: Refrain from consuming, serving, selling, or distributing the recalled items.
  3. Dispose or Return: Safely discard the products or return them to the location of purchase.
  4. Contact Retailer: If uncertainty exists, promptly contact your retailer for guidance.
  5. Health Concerns: If you suspect illness due to these products, seek immediate medical attention.

Consumer Assistance and Outreach: Vinyard Fruit and Vegetable Company has communicated extensively with retailers and wholesalers, instructing them to promptly remove the affected products from their inventory. For additional information, consumers can contact Jennifer Vogler at 1-405-639-2451. Jennifer is available Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. CST to address concerns, provide guidance, and offer support.

Your health and safety are of utmost importance. Share this information within your community to ensure widespread awareness. Stay informed, stay safe.

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In navigating the potential Salmonella contamination of cantaloupe products, Vinyard Fruit and Vegetable Company underscores its commitment to consumer safety. The voluntary recall serves as a proactive measure, initiated with diligence and transparency. The cooperation with Sophia Foods, LLC’s recall of fresh cantaloupes demonstrates a collective dedication to maintaining the highest standards of food we collectively address this challenge, it’s vital for consumers to heed the recall instructions diligently.

Checking for the listed product codes and Best By Date(s)/VFVC Codes, refraining from consumption, and promptly disposing or returning affected items are crucial steps to ensure personal and community well-being.Vinyard Fruit and Vegetable Company’s swift communication with retailers and wholesalers, coupled with consumer outreach led by Jennifer Vogler, reinforces a shared commitment to transparency and accountability.

Your health remains the top priority. Stay vigilant, stay informed, and share this information widely to protect the well-being of all. Together, we navigate challenges, prioritize safety, and build a resilient and health-conscious community.

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