
Marijuana Health Risk of Heart Attack, Heart Failure, and Stroke in Recent Research


The allure of marijuana(heroine) as a recreational substance has grown steadily over the years. However, recent research has uncovered concerning health risks associated with its use, particularly in relation to heart health. This article delves into the latest findings of these studies, shedding light on the potential dangers of marij-uana, including an increased risk of heart attack, heart failure, and stroke.

The Alarming Findings

Recent studies have cast a spotlight on the health risks associated with marijuana. Two non-published studies presented at the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions have unveiled unsettling facts. These studies suggest that even in the absence of tobacco use, older adults who use marijuana are at a higher risk of experiencing heart attacks and strokes. Most strikingly, individuals who consume marijuana on a daily basis face a daunting 34% higher likelihood of developing heart failure.

Expert Insights

Prominent voices in the medical field have expressed concern over these findings. Robert Page II, Chair of the volunteer writing group for the 2020 American Heart Association Scientific Statement, has emphasized the gravity of the situation. He cautions that the data is pointing towards cannabis use, whether for recreational or medicinal purposes, as a potential trigger for cardiovascular diseases.

Understanding the Effects

Marij-uana consumption, particularly through smoking or vaping, has been associated with an increased concentration of blood carboxyhemoglobin (carbon monoxide), a poisonous gas. Additionally, marij-uana produces tar, which is partly burned combustible matter, akin to inhaling a tobacco cigarette. These components have been linked to heart muscle diseases, chest pain, irregular heart rhythms, heart attacks, and other serious cardiovascular conditions.

Treating Marijuana Use as a Risk Factor

In light of these revelations, experts stress the importance of acknowledging marij-uana use as a potential risk factor for heart disease and stroke. It is imperative that individuals understand the associated health risks and take them seriously.

Growing Marijuana Use Among Older Adults

It is worth noting that the use of marij-uana among older adults is on the rise. A study conducted in 2020 indicated that the number of American seniors over the age of 65 who smoked marij-uana or used edibles had doubled between 2015 and 2018. A follow-up study in 2023 uncovered a significant increase in past-month binge drinking and marij-uana use among the over-65 population, rising by an astonishing 450% between 2015 and 2019.

The Risk of Cannabis Use Disorder

One crucial aspect to consider is the development of cannabis use disorder, which affects nearly three out of every ten marij-uana users. This dependence manifests as food cravings, lack of appetite, irritability, restlessness, and mood and sleep difficulties after quitting. Understanding these potential risks is vital, as marijuana use can become an addiction when it interferes with various aspects of life.

Increased Risk of Major Heart and Brain

The study revealed that the 8,535 adults who abused marij-uana had a 20% higher risk of experiencing major heart or brain events during hospitalization compared to over 10 million older hospitalized adults who did not use marijuana. Both marij-uana abusers and non-users had previously been diagnosed with high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, or high cholesterol. The study identified high blood pressure readings (over 130/80 mm Hg) and high cholesterol as key predictors of major adverse heart and brain events in marijuana users.

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Daily Marijuana Use and Heart Failure

Surprisingly, the study’s results indicated that people who reported daily marij-uana use had a 34% increased risk of developing heart failure compared to those who reported never using marijuana. Factors such as age, sex at birth, and smoking history did not appear to impact the risk. Notably, the researchers were unable to determine whether the marijuana was smoked or consumed as edibles.

The Impact on Blood Pressure

The effect of marij-uana on blood pressure is a crucial factor to consider. Acute marij-uana use can lead to a drop in blood pressure, especially when vaped or smoked. However, long-term daily marij-uana use has been associated with an increase in blood pressure, which also poses a risk factor for various other cardiovascular conditions.


Recent studies underscore the growing concern of marij-uana use and its associated risks of heart attack, heart-failure, and stroke, especially among older adults. These findings emphasize the importance of informed decision-making and public awareness. They reveal that marij-uana use can lead to a higher risk of cardiovascular events, including heart attacks and strokes. Therefore, it is crucial for individuals to be well-informed and consider these risks when using marij-uana. As marij-uana use continues to evolve and expand, staying informed about its potential consequences on heart health is paramount.

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