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The Complex Relationship Between Oral Sex and Throat Cancer

What the Bold Claim Really Means by Dr. Daria Sadovskaya

After Dr. Daria Sadovskaya said something controversial, there is a lot of disagreement in the medical community. The main point of contention is her claim that oral sex is more likely to cause throat cancer than smoking, which goes against the long-held view that smoking is the main cause of oropharyngeal cancer.

How HPV Causes Throat Cancer

It is important to learn more about the link between oral-sex and throat cancer in order to fully understand this claim. Dr. Sadovskaya’s claim got a lot of attention when she shared a TikTok video about it, which made people wonder and raise their eyes. According to the American Cancer Society, her comment goes against the long-held view that smoking is the main cause of oropharyngeal cancer.

A Different Point of View

A TikTok user asked directly if oral-sex is proven to be the main cause of throat cancer. In a later video, Dr. Sadovskaya gave a clear answer by saying, “I said what I said.”

HPV and the Risk of Throat Cancer

The American Cancer Society recognises that oral-sex and throat cancer may be linked. This is mostly because the human papillomavirus (HPV) is spread during these close contact activities. A little over 13 million new cases of HPV are recorded every year in the United States, making it the most common STD.

Vulnerability Based on Gender

Dr. Sadovskaya’s point brings up an important difference between men and women. Men who have oral-sex with women are more likely to get throat cancer. This is mostly because women are more likely to have the HPV virus in their vaginal area. In fact, the American Cancer Society (ACS) says that from 2015 to 2019, the number of men diagnosed with oropharyngeal cancer linked to HPV rose by 2.8% per year, while the number of women diagnosed rose by 1.3% per year.

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The Power of Well-Known People

Even though experts warn of the risks, some people may not want to give up oral-sex because it plays such an important and private role in relationships. In 2013, actor Michael Douglas made headlines when he openly linked his own fight with throat cancer to getting HPV from oral-sex. This added to the conversation.

Scary Numbers and Youth Participation

Alarming new study found that people who had ten or more oral-sex partners were over four times more likely to get mouth and throat cancers caused by HPV. Even more worrying is the fact that 41% of 15–19-year-olds have oral-sex, and that young people (15–24 years old) were responsible for almost half of the 26 million new sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in 2018.

No worries about the future: getting an HPV shot

The fact that the HPV vaccine works gives people hope for the future. The current HPV vaccine is mostly meant to stop diseases of the reproductive system, but the CDC says it can also protect against the types of the virus that cause oropharyngeal cancer.

Problems with Getting Vaccinated

In the US, government advice says that kids ages 11 and 12 should get two shots of the HPV vaccine. Kids up to age 26 are also eligible. But as of 2020, only about 54% of teens had gotten the vaccine. This shows that more education and understanding are needed.

The Immediate Need to Know

In a study for the American Association for Cancer Research, Dr. Eric Adjei Boakye stressed how little people know about HPV and its effects. He pointed out that the HPV vaccine could prevent more than 90% of cancers linked to HPV, but not enough people are getting it, which shows that public health programmes are very much needed.

In conclusion

Additionally, Dr. Daria Sadovskaya’s controversial comment questioning the accepted view on throat cancer and its link to oral-ex has started a major discussion in the medical community. The debate about oral-sex and throat cancer shows how complicated public health problems are and how much more study, education, and understanding we need.

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